Guest traveler
A guest traveler is someone who doesn't have an existing profile within your Booking.com for Business account, but who you'd like to make a reservation for.
When booking for a guest traveler, a profile will be automatically created in your Booking.com for Business account. This allows you to add all the relevant information about the guest traveler. Having this information in your account will streamline the booking process for future reservations.
Note: The guest traveler won’t have access to your Booking.com for Business account.
Managing guest traveler profiles
To access and manage guest traveler profiles associated with your Booking.com for Business account:
- Go to the “Administration” menu in your dashboard.
- Select “Manage team” to access the section for managing team members and guests.
- Click “Guests” to see a list of guest traveler profiles.
- To update a guest's details or delete their profile, click the pen icon next to their name.